Your sanctuary (short story)

So today we worked in our writers notebooks on concrete writing. Everyone did the whole raptor thing from Jurassic park but I did something different… I took the first sanctuary from my #2 most favorite game ever (mother 2 or earthbound in America) And used that moment with more description and juicy words! I felt I should share it here since my public speaking skills are rusty (our first pep rally with the cross country team ROFL XD) Enjoy! (My writers notebook version isn’t as descriptive or long as this as I wrote that first…)

Inside the cave was dark, blacker than the night. So dark that 12 year old Ness had to be careful as not to trip over any unseen objects within the rocky corridor of the cave. Ness was looking for something. He was looking in this deep dark cave for his sanctuary. His place of untold power… The first of 8… Ness cautiously walked through the cave, without a flashlight, without a map.
He knew where he was going…
He could sense it… The large arrangement of power… So much energy would make your head explode being the reason the cave had been closed off for years. Ness kept walking through the darkness. Until he bumped into something… He could tell it was living and twice as large as him.. “Sorry man!” he said nervously. But he noticed something else. The darkness was gone. Something had lit up the whole cave. Ness could see his enemy loud and clear. A giant ant with a devilish smile gazing down at him. The titanic ant then spoke to him “So you finally made it… Welcome to your sanctuary… The first of many… Well not yet as it is mine now… Will you take it from me? Lets find out! i’m the titanic ant… i like oversized picnics and terrorizing magical locations how about you?” “my name is ness. i like kicking evil in the butt including yours!” Ness said. “ah.. sly child huh? well i look forward to this battle!” Ness, ready for a fight, took his trusty baseball bat from his backpack. Ness hit the large ant and was instantly blown back by a psychic shield. The gigantic insect sent out smaller ants to seize the boy. But Ness had a new trick up his sleeve… “PSI Rockin!” Ness cried out. Suddenly a hail of magic rained from the cave ceiling and before you could say “fuzzy pickles” ness had defeated the enormous bug. It was laying on the ground and ness knelt by it. “So you beat me… Y’know your much more powerful than you look… You deserve this sanctuary to call yours… But the other 7 sanctuary leaders will not be as easy as I was to beat… Know that…” The giant ant dissolved into only dust and left the passage to ness’s sanctuary open.
Ness stepped into the sunshine finding a clearing with what looked like a giant footprint in the center. Ness’s sound stone started to glow inside his pocket. He took it out and it started to play a calming melody that didn’t last very long. Ness had a sudden flashback of a puppy and a young version of himself holding it… Ness’s flashback ceased and he smiled… He then began his descent through the cave… Back home…

So I actually based some of this off of my experiences with the first boss (titanic ant) he would always use PSI Shield and I wouldn’t do much damage so I would just use up all my PP With PSI Rockin… i also portrayed the titanic ant as a nice guy at first giving it that chill feel… you know, if that means anything…